Hubbell Policies


Roles and Responsibilities. The PAC is responsible for oversight of all policies of the Company.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Review. The PAC shall review this Policy periodically, as needed. Policy owners must review PAC approved Policies and related documents annually and submit any required revisions to the PAC for approval.

Exceptions. Any exceptions will be subject to the approval of the PAC.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


PAC – the Policy Approval Committee, which consists of the following officers of Hubbell Incorporated: (i) Chief Human Resources Officer; (ii) SVP, General Counsel and Secretary; and (iii) VP, Controller.

Policies or Policy – a PAC approved document that is applicable to the Hubbell enterprise, subject to local laws and regulations. A Policy must: (i) be enforceable and auditable; (ii) be required by law, define Company values or address major business needs; (iii) be mandatory to ensure consistent application across the enterprise; and (iv) be approved by the PAC. Policy Portal shall mean the electronic catalogue of Policies maintained by the Policy Support Team on Hubbell’s intranet site, “Harvey”. Any purported policy document not contained within the Policy Portal is not a PAC approved Policy and should be brought to the attention of the PAC immediately.

Policy Support Team shall mean members of the Company’s Legal Department who support the PAC and the Policy Portal.

Policy Template shall mean that form of draft policy that is submitted to the PAC for review. The Policy Template is for Policies only and should not be replicated or repurposed for any non-PAC approved policies.

RELATED DOCUMENTS (Policies, Guidelines, Standards)

Policy Template Form






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J. Capozzoli, A. Hsieh, S. Mais J. Capozzoli, K. Lane, S. Mais


Original Issue


Revised to reflect new template and current PAC processes. Revised to incorporate submission requirement of 7 days’ prior to a PAC meeting.


J. Del Nero, A. Flynn, K. Lane



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