Hubbell Policies

Requests for a monthly credit limit greater than the standard limit of $5,000 USD (or equivalent) must also be approved by both the VP, Corporate Controller and Chief Manufacturing & Supply Chain Officer. c. Cardholder Information/Training The Cardholder will be assigned training in Hubbell University at time of application. Completion of Hubbell University training will be required before the Concur & Citi Admin Team submits the application to the card issuer. a. Cardholder’s Responsibility for Transactions The Cardholder is responsible for the security of their P-Card and the transactions made with it. The P- card is issued in the Cardholder’s name. It will be assumed that any purchases made with the P-Card will have been made or controlled by the Cardholder. Unless approved in advance and in writing by the applicable business unit controller, the person whose name appears on the face of the P-Card is the only person authorized to use that P-Card. In the event of identity theft or similar issue, the Cardholder agrees to work with the Concur and Citi Admin Team, vendor, and/or credit card company to resolve such issues. b. Employee Transfer and/or Termination In the event a Cardholder is transferred to another Hubbell location or voluntarily or involuntarily leaves Hubbell, the approving supervisor is responsible for collecting the P-Card before the employee departs. The approving supervisor shall destroy the card and notify the Concur and Citi Admin Team via SARF (or equivalent). The Concur and Citi Admin Team will cancel the card with the credit card company, close the reporting system account, and submit final statement report for supervisor approval. c. Safeguard It is the Cardholder’s responsibility to safeguard the P -Card and account number to the same degree that the Cardholder would safeguard their own personal credit information. d. Lost and/or Stolen P-Cards Should a P-Card become lost or stolen, the employee should immediately contact the credit card company’s customer service department to report the incident and ensure that further use of the P-Card will be blocked. The Cardholder should then notify their supervisor and the Concur and Citi Admin Team. C) Recordkeeping/Report Submission All P-Card statement reports and transactional details are to be submitted using the reporting system in a timely manner. B) Purchase Card Security

a. Statement Report Creation P-Card statement reports are systemically created based on statement cycle ending dates.

b. Transactional Requirements Each transaction shall have the expense type defined, receipt attached, itemizations as required, project noted, and comments with information pertaining to the purpose of the purchase such as gasoline for company vehicle, emergency plumbing repair, etc.

A separate line item is required on the Statement Report for each charge posted to the P-Card. All items must have a detailed receipt attached. If the Cardholder does not have the receipt, they


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