Hubbell Policies



Owner : Vice President, Corporate Controller

Last Review: 2020.06.29

FIN - 49

Department: Finance


The company will reimburse employees for expenses that are required and necessary when they travel for business or incur business-related expenses. Those reimbursable travel and business-related expenses must be properly approved in accordance with the signature authority matrix and be in compliance with the guidelines within the Travel and Business-Related Expense Procedures. Since the maximum travel cost savings result from trip avoidance, it is the responsibility of all employees to conscientiously avoid unnecessary business travel by first exhausting alternatives. Virtual communication (e.g., teleconferencing, WebEx) should be considered as a substitute. Employees should first consult with their manager to determine when business-related travel is necessary. When it is determined that a trip is necessary, the Travel and Business-Related Expense Procedures governs the process for making travel arrangements and the expenses that are eligible for reimbursement.


This Policy applies to all employees of Hubbell when traveling for business purposes or incurring business-related expenses.


To establish guidance for allowable travel and business-related expenses and for the processing and reporting of travel and business-related expenses incurred by employees.

PROCEDURE The following are specific guidelines for travel arrangements and allowable travel and business-related expenses:

1. Travel Arrangements and Approval . All travelers must use Hubbell’s corporate designated travel management company, when booking business travel arrangements for air, hotel and rental vehicles:

1.1 Concur Travel is the primary on-line booking tool for making travel arrangements. Concur Users who have been set up in Concur Travel can access it here: .

The manager of an employee requiring travel who is not yet set up in Concur Travel will need to complete a system access form ( When that process is complete, the Concur Program Administrator will contact the employee via email. 1.2 You may also contact the Travel Management Company directly, which may be necessaryif (a) You are unable to find the flight or fare you are searching for in Concur Travel, (b) you receive an error or if you have any trouble booking in Concur Travel, (c) you are booking a complex international trip or a multi-leg domestictrip. Employees who are not Concur users, such as international employees in geographies not yet on Concur, must follow local policies and procedures for making travel arrangements. Employees are to accept the recommendations of Travel Management Company providing that such acceptance does not result in


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