Hubbell Policies

4.1 Self. An employee in Travel Status may be reimbursed for the cost of meals when a trip spans one or more normal mealtimes. Tips should be made on the basis of local customs but may not exceed 20% of the pre-tax bill. 4.2 Other Employees. Each employee should pay for and report the cost of their meal on their own expense report. If separate checks are not available or convenient, the most senior employee should pay for and report the cost of the bill. If separate checks are not available or convenient and the employees are the same level if one employee pays, he/she should submit the expense and list all employees in attendance. 4.3 Guests. Meals bought for guests (non-company employees) and the employee(s) hosting these guests are permissible. Expenditures in this category should be reasonable and consistent with business necessity. Refer to the sections in this Policy regarding Expense Reporting for further guidance on reporting business meals.

5. Personal Mobile Phone Service . Please see the IT-16 Mobile Device Usage Policy.

6. In-flight Wireless Services . The cost of in-flight wireless services for business use, such as Gogo, will be reimbursed.

7. Laundry . Reasonable dry cleaning, laundry and pressing charges will be reimbursed if a travel itinerary is greater than one week.

8. Parking and Tolls . Reasonable and necessary parking and toll charges while in Travel Status will be reimbursed. Where individual employees use toll roads frequently on business travel, the purchase of ticket books or toll plates may be authorized by the em ployee’s manager if lower costs result. 9. Entertainment Tickets . The lesser of face value or amount paid for business-related entertainment tickets (to athletic events, theatrical productions, etc.), including those of guests, will be reimbursed, subject to the approval of the employee’s direct supervisor. 10. Miscellaneous Expenses . Other Ordinary and Necessary Business Expenses not provided for above must be itemized and supported by receipts in order to be reimbursed. This includes reasonable hotel gym fees, losses associated with lost luggage or the theft of personal property while on company business which are not covered by insurance or reimbursed by the airline. Reasonable gratuities and tips do not require a receipt but must include a comment to support the expense. Important considerations include: i. Employees are required to document a valid business purpose and list out all attendees. The business purpose must be entered in the appropriate field in Concur. Additional comments with further explanation /details to support the expense must be entered in the Concur “Comments” field for the expense.

ii. Luggage fees/checked baggage fees have a separate itemization category in Concur and should not be placed in the “Miscellaneous” expense type category.

iii. Passports and VISAs should use the separate expense type (Travel Fees) rather than Miscellaneous.

iv. Golf Fees have a separate itemization category in Concur and should not be placed in the “Miscellaneous” expense type category. A list of attendees and the business purpose/comments are required as well as a receipt.


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