Hubbell Policies

i. Amount ii. Date iii. Place iv. Business purpose v. Business relationship and names of businessguests

21. Approval of Travel and Business-Related Expense Reports . Each employee’s direct supervisor must approve expense reports up to $5,000. Expense reports in excess of $5,000 require both the direct and next level supervisor’s approval. For those employees processing expense reporting through Concur Expense, these requirements are enforced through workflow parameters within the application. Concur Expense also provides an automatic email reminder after an expense report has been in an approve r’s queue for more than 3 days. After 8 days the Expense Report will be automatically routed to the next Level Supervisor for approval. The Concur Expense application allows for the setting of delegates to prepare expense reports, view receipts, and receive emails, but does not permit delegates to submit or approve expense reports. The supervisor who approves an employee expense reports is responsible for: i. Obtaining sufficient information before approving the expense report to determine that the expenses claimed are Ordinary and Necessary Business Expenses in accordance with this Policy. Concur provides the opportunity for supervisors to review receipts to validate expenses. ii. Processing and forwarding the expense report promptly. The following guidelines have been established for allowable meal and hotel expenses. An explanation in the expense report is required for any deviation from guidelines and must be reviewed and approved by the employee’s supervisor. All hotel daily room rates are in USD and exclude taxes.

Hotel daily room rate in most U.S. cities -

No more than $145 No more than $180

Hotel daily room rate in Dallas, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Toronto

Hotel daily room rate in New York City

No more than $300

Breakfast per person (including tax and tip)

No more than $15

Lunch per person (including tax and tip)

No more than $25

Dinner per person (including tax and tip)

No more than $35

Entertainment Meals per person (including tax and tip)

No more than $55

Exceptions to these guidelines are monitored through various forms of exception reporting, audits and other monitoring by Concur and the Travel & Expense Program Administrator. In addition, the Corporate Internal Audit Department maintains audit privileges on an inquiry basis within the application. Situations Requiring Pre-Approvals. Certain situations and countries will have a preapproval requirement for entertaining government officials and customers. The country appendices will cover this separately. Preapproval will be requested through the Concur system and must be obtained before the employee spends any funds. If pre-approval is not secured, these expenses will not be reimbursed.



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