Hubbell Policies

• General ledger account number and description. • Account Currency. • Account balance for the reporting period. • Frequency: The frequency of preparation and review of the reconciliation must be defined as monthly, quarterly or annual. • Reconciliation Preparer: Individual responsible for the accurate preparation of the Account Reconciliation by Workday-10 on Quarter end months and Workday-15 on Non-Quarter end months • Reconciliation Reviewer(s): Appropriately designated individual(s) to review the Account Reconciliation must be completed by Workday-10 on Quarter end months and Workday-15 on Non-Quarter end months. • Every Account Reconciliation must be reconciled in the account currency, and include the following: • General Information: Reconciliations must include the name of the entity, general ledger account number and description, as well as the accounting period being reconciled. • Purpose: The purpose of the general ledger account must be defined in BlackLine and describe what the account is used for and the types of transactions being recorded in the account. • Reconciliation Procedure: Each general ledger account must describe the steps involved in preparing the Account Reconciliation within BlackLine. The purpose should be specific enough so that a reasonably informed person would be able to repeat the procedure. • Policy/Procedure: If there is a policy and/or procedure governing the accounting for the general ledger account the policy and/or procedure must be attached to the reconciliation in BlackLine. • List of items that comprise the ending balance which are substantiated with Adequate Supporting Documentation as defined below. All supporting documentation must be attached to the reconciliation. • Any reconciling items must be clearly identified, explained and adequately supported in the reconciliation. Each unidentified reconciling item must have a specific action plan and include an estimated time to resolution as evidenced by a comment in Blackline or if the entity associated with the account is not yet in Blackline, a written attachment to the reconciliation. Reconciling items that result in required adjustments to the general ledger must be recorded in a Timely Manner and include details of the entry that will be posted in the general ledger. Any reconciling items requiring adjustments greater than $50,000 USD or foreign currency equivalent must be communicated to the Vice President, Controller. • Due Dates: All account reconciliations are to be approved by Workday-10 on Quarter end months (March, June, Sept, Dec). On Non-Quarter end months, reconciliations are required to be approved by Workday-15.

Preparing Reconciliations


Roles and Responsibilities. The Business Unit Controller is responsible for ensuring all Account Assignments for the business unit are appropriate and current. Any changes should be communicated to the local BlackLine administrator for update within the system.

The Reconciliation Preparer is responsible for completing the reconciliation in accordance with the Balance Sheet Account Reconciliation Policy and this procedure.

The Reconciliation Approver is responsible for examining the reconciliation and related supporting documentation and ensuring the preparer completed the reconciliation in accordance with the Balance Sheet Account Reconciliation Policy and this procedure. Monitoring, Evaluation and Review. For any entity not yet in Blackline, the Business Unit Controller is responsible for retaining evidence of preparation and approval of all reconciliations within that controller’s Account Assignment list as well as supporting documentation for those reconc iliations in accordance with the Company’s record retention


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