Hubbell Policies



Owner : Treasurer

Last Review: 2021.10.05

FIN - 06

Department: Finance


No bank or investment account shall be opened, closed or modified without the express authorization of Hubbell Incorporated (“Hubbell”)’s c orporate Treasury department. The opening/closing/modifying of all accounts will be conducted in accordance with local banking laws and regulations.


This Policy shall apply to all Hubbell legal entities.


To provide governance and control over the opening, closing and modifying of bank and investment accounts across all Hubbell operating units.


All operating business units must consult/contact Hubbell’s c orporate Treasury department ( “ Treasury ” ) prior to the opening, closing or modification of any bank or investment account.

Unless required by local law, Treasury will manage all documentation required to open, close or modify any bank or investment account.


Roles and Responsibilities.

1) Treasury will control the opening, closing or modification of all bank and investment accounts unless local law requires a local power of attorney to handle these responsibilities.

2) Treasury is responsible for maintaining copies of all documentation and signatories via the Bank Administrator System in SAP.

3) Where a locality in which local law requires a power of attorney to control the opening, closing or modification of a bank or investment account, a copy of all completed documentation must be reviewed by an attorney in Hubbell’s legal department prior to submission to the financial institution. Also, a final copy of all documentation must be provided to Treasury for compliance with item 2 above.

4) Annually, Treasury will verify that the Bank Administrator System in SAP is accurate and complete by requesting confirmation of bank and investment accounts as well as all signatories for all Hubbell legal entities.

Monitoring, Evaluation and Review. Internal Audit will formally test compliance and Policy effectiveness as part of its scheduled site visits.


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