Hubbell Policies

6. Business Process Reengineering: At times a project to develop internal use software may be related to a larger project to reengineer a business process. The activities related to business process reengineering may include preparing a request for proposal, current state assessments, process reengineering (not associated with the software development) and plans for workforce restructuring. The costs related to the business process reengineering activities should be accounted for separately from costs to develop the internal use software and should be expensed as incurred. ADMINISTRATION Roles and Responsibilities. The Group Controller is responsible for compliance with this procedure. ACCOUNTING AND DISCLOSURE None REPORTING Each business unit is responsible for completing the roll forward of capitalized software assets and accumulated amortization on a monthly basis DEFINITIONS Internal use software shall mean software that is acquired, internally developed, or modified solely to meet the company’s internal needs, and during the software’s development or modification, no substantive plan exists or is being developed to market the software externally. RELATED DOCUMENTS (Policies, Guidelines, Standards) None VERSION Version Approval Effective Changes 1 J. Capozzoli, A. Hsieh, S. Mais 2014.08.01 Original Issue 2 J. Capozzoli, K. Lane, S. Mais 2019.08.15 Conformed to new template Monitoring, Evaluation and Review. Internal audit will review for compliance with this policy on a discretionary basis. Exceptions. None


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